пятница, 6 июля 2012 г.

Членов "Единой Росии" в список Магнитского!

Депутаты от партии "Единая Россия" решили консолидировано всей фракцией влитья в "список Магнитского". Они решили выступить инициаторами Закона об НКО всей фракцией. Таким образом депутат-единорос Сидякин не останется единственным преступником в Думе. Выбранный Путиным в качестве "пушечного мяса" в инициировании фашистских законов он окажется в плотной группе депутатов фальсификаторов выборов от "ЕдРа"
Вместе с ним в "список Магнитского" "загремят" все депутаты нынешнего созыва Госдумы от "Единой России".
Эти господа будут вершить свои дела тихо и подспудно, а законы рисовать под себя. Без оглядки на народ!

Organized Crime Group russia

he Klyuev Organized Crime Group

has stolen at least $800 million from the Russian people with the aid and protection of the Russian government. The group is responsible for the $230 million theft, uncovered by Sergei Magnitsky, which remains the largest single tax theft in Russian history.

The group members are involved in violent crimes, including kidnapping, extortion and killings. Many of the group’s most important members are Russian officials in law enforcement, FSB, the successor to the KGB, the Tax Ministry, and judges. The group also comprises organised criminals from across the former Soviet Union. The group launders its criminal proceeds through the international banking system, and have systematically used banks and companies in Cyprus, Moldova, Switzerland and the UK. The group has a long history of using its members in law enforcement to blame its crimes on people who are dead or who die under suspicious circumstances. The Russian government has chosen to protect the group from charges of theft of state funds, false arrest, torture, and murder. Because the Klyuev Organized Crime Group contains members of the Russian government and because the highest authorities in Russia are protecting it, it is no longer possible to consider the group independent of the Russian state. The Klyuev Organized Crime Group has the full cooperation and protection of high ranking Russian government officials. Its crimes are state sanctioned. Its members are untouchable in Russia. 

The exoneration of the group for the $230 million tax theft has been sanctioned at the highest levels of the Russian government: by Oleg Logunov, Deputy Chief of the Interior Ministry’s Investigative Department, and Viktor Grin, Deputy General Prosecutor of Russia.
Oleg LogunovViktor Grin
The Kremlin has made it the official foreign policy of the Russian Federation to protect the group and the assets they have accumulated and hidden abroad from international sanctions.

On May 7, 2012, President Vladimir Putin signed his first executive order on foreign affairs where he officially declared that fighting Magnitsky sanctions is now one of Russia’s top foreign policy goals. In the executive order President Putin said"Hereby I instruct to carry out active work to prevent the introduction of unilateral extraterritorial sanctions by the USA against Russian legal entities and individuals."

Latest news and blog posts

03 July 2012 Magnitsky bill and Russian national interests

Vadai Club
Many in the U.S. administration are saying that Magnitsky Act is more pro-Russian than anti-Russian. Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev have on many occasions stated the need to combat corruption.

03 July 2012 Putin seeks to show he won’t buckle to U.S.

Washington Post. The Russian parliament intends to take up a bill Tuesday designed to hamper and frustrate civil society groups that accept money from abroad — which means, effectively, from the United States — in a move that is being portrayed as retaliation for the Magnitsky bill making its way through Congress.

03 July 2012 Foreign-Funded Nonprofits in Russia Face New Hurdle

New York Times. In the latest move to rein in dissent, Russian authorities have introduced a draft law that would require nonprofit organizations that receive financing from outside Russia to publicly declare themselves “foreign agents”.

03 July 2012 New bill labels NGOs as ‘foreign agents’

Moscow News. A new bill soon to be introduced to the State Duma will label all NGOs with foreign finances that work in politics as “foreign agents,” United Russia’s press-service announced on Friday.

03 July 2012 The Sergei Magnitsky Act: Russia Warns Obama Not to Pass Human Rights Bill

Politics. Sergei Magnitsky was a 37-year-old attorney in Russia who uncovered a plot so sinister that he was thrown in prison.

02 July 2012 Russia’s Counter To Magnitsky Bill

OCCRP. Russia is planning to sanction all supporters of the Magnitsky Act, Russian Izvestia daily reported. The US Senate approved a bill last week that would impose 

Список Магнитского (видео по русски)

Criminal Enterprise Structure

Criminal Enterprise Structure

[Download larger version of the OrgChart]

Members of the Klyuev Organized Crime Group


  • Dmitry Klyuev – Head of the group, alias “Dima Chelter”. According to available information, Dmitry Klyuev is the boss of an organized crime group that specializes in organizing fraudulent tax refunds from the Russian treasury. He was also the secret owner of Universal Savings Bank.
  • Andrey Pavlov and Yulia Mayorova – are a husband and wife lawyer team who according to available information specialize in obtaining court judgments through fraud for the Klyuev Organized Crime Group.
  • Sergei Orlov – Enforcer for the organized crime group who according to available information recruits and coordinates the activities of violent criminals for the group.

Key Group Members serving in the Russian Government

  • Olga Stepanova and her now ex-husband Vladlen Stepanov – are key members of the Klyuev Organized Crime Group. Stepanova, acting as head of Moscow Tax Office 28, systematically authorized fraudulent tax refunds transferred to the Klyuev’s Universal Savings Bank, and her husband systematically wired proceeds of the crimes through western banks.
  • Elena Animisova from Moscow Tax Office 28 – is an important member of the Klyuev Organized Crime Group. Tax officer Anisimova worked with her boss, Tax Officer Stepanova, to systematically authorize multiple fraudulent tax refunds transferred to the Klyuev’s Universal Savings Bank.
  • Olga Tsareva from Moscow Tax Office 28 – is an important member of the Klyuev Organized Crime Group. Tax officer Anisimova worked with her boss, Tax Officer Stepanova, to systematically authorize mutiple fraudulent tax refunds transferred to the Klyuev’s Universal Savings Bank.
  • Elena Khimina, head of Moscow Tax Office 25 – is a key member of the Klyuev Organized Crime Group. Khimina systematically authorized fraudulent tax refunds transferred to the Klyuev’s Universal Savings Bank.
  • Artem Kuznetsov – is a key member of the Klyuev Organized Crime Group. He used his position in law enforcement to aid the group in committing crimes and to protect it when it got caught. He played a key role in the attack on Hermitage, $230 million tax theft and in arresting Sergei Magnitsky after he exposed the crimes of the Klyuev group.
  • Pavel Karpov – is a key member of the Klyuev Organized Crime Group. He used his position in law enforcement to aid the group in committing crimes and to protect it when it got caught. He played a key role in the attack on Hermitage, $230 million tax theft and in opening a false criminal case used to arrest Sergei Magnitsky after he exposed the crimes of the group.
  • Oleg Silchenko – is a key member of the Klyuev Organised Crime Group. He was the person directly in charge of the false arrest, detention, torture and death of Sergey Magnitsky. He was also directly in charge of the $230 million tax theft investigation and covered up from liability all tax and Interior Ministry officers and judges implicated by Sergei Magnitsky in the theft.

Criminal executors

  • Gennady Plaksin is a front man for Klyuev and his bank, the Universal Savings Bank. Plaksin served as Chairman of the bank and he played a role in both the $107 million tax theft in 2006 and the $230 million tax theft in 2007.
  • Alexei Sheshenia is a front man for Klyuev. He was accused of murder in 1998. He played a role in both the $107 million tax theft in 2006 and the $230 million tax theft in 2007.
  • Viktor Markelov is an enforcer for Klyuev. In 2006, he was accused of kidnapping with officers Kuznetsov and Karpov. In the $230 million tax theft in 2007, documents held by Kuznetsov and Karpov were used to falsely register Markelov as owner of the stolen Hermitage companies. Markelov also played a large role in protecting his bosses from liability.
  • Vyacheslav Khlebnikov is a front man for Klyuev. In the $230 tax theft of 2007, his fellow criminal, Viktor Markelov, made him a director of one of the stolen Hermitage companies. Khlebnikov then signed documents necessary to effect that tax refund fraud. Khlebnikov also played a large role in protecting his bosses from liability.
  • Valery Kurochkin was a front man for Klyuev. In the $230 tax theft of 2007, his fellow criminal, Viktor Markelov, made him a director of one of the stolen Hermitage companies. Kurochkin then signed documents necessary to effect that tax refund fraud.

Список Магнитского

Алексей АничинЗаместитель главы МВД РФ, начальник СК МВДСК МВД
Олег ЛогуновНачальник правового управления Генеральной прокуратуры, ранее заместитель начальника СК МВДГенпрокуратура
Олег СильченкоРуководитель следственной группыСК МВД
Александр МатвеевЗаместитель начальника СК МВДСК МВД
Геннадий КарловНачальник отделаСК МВД
Наталья ВиноградоваЗаместитель начальника отделаСК МВД
Александр РябининСледовательСК МВД
Сергей ОлейникСледовательСК МВД
А. А. МалыгинаСледовательСК МВД
М. О. СапуноваСледовательСК МВД
Е. В. МихайловСледовательСК МВД
Р. А. ГрицайСледовательСК МВД
И. А. ВаргановСледовательСК МВД
Нелли ДмитриеваСледовательГУВД Москвы
Артем КузнецовСотрудник Управления по борьбе с налоговыми преступлениями (заместитель начальника 6 отдела), ныне ДЭБ МВДГУВД Москвы
Алексей ДрогановСотрудник Управления по борьбе с налоговыми преступлениями (подчиненный Кузнецова)ГУВД Москвы
Дмитрий ТолмицкийСотрудник Управления по борьбе с налоговыми преступлениями (сотрудник 6-го отдела)ГУВД Москвы
А. А. КречетовСотрудник Управления по борьбе с налоговыми преступлениями (сотрудник 6-го отдела)ГУВД Москвы
Александр КлевцовСотрудник Управления по борьбе с налоговыми преступлениями (Начальник 6-го отдела)ГУВД Москвы
Анатолий МихайлинНачальник Управления по налоговым преступлениям (уволен)ГУВД Москвы
Павел КарповСледователь Главного следственного управленияГУВД Москвы
Иван ГлуховНачальник Главного следственного управленияГУВД Москвы
Николай БудилоСледовательСК МВД
Олег УржумцевСледовательСледственное управление СКП по республике Татарстан
Александр КувалдинСотрудник Департамента экономической безопасности («К»)ФСБ РФ
Виктор ВоронинНачальник Департамента экономической безопасности («К»)ФСБ РФ
Станислав ГордеевскийПрокурорПрокуратура Москвы
Наталья ЯкимовичПрокурор, заместитель начальника отдела по САО МосквыПрокуратура Москвы
Сергей ЛазуткинПрокурора, начальник отдела по САО МосквыПрокуратура Москвы
Аркадий МажаевНачальник управления процессуального контроля в сфере противодействия коррупцииСКП РФ
Александр БуровПрокурорГенпрокуратура
Андрей ПечегинНачальник отделаГенпрокуратура
Виктор ГриньЗаместитель Генерального прокурораГенпрокуратура
Елена ХиминаНачальник Налоговой инспекции 25ФНС Москвы
Сергей ЖемчужниковЗаместитель начальника налоговой инспекции 25ФНС Москвы
Раиса БурмистроваНачальник отдела налоговых задолженностей (инспекция 25)ФНС Москвы
Александра КузнецоваНачальник отдела (инспекция 25)ФНС Москвы
Юлия КолтуноваНачальник отдела налоговых проверок (инспекция 25)ФНС Москвы
Ольга СтепановаНачальник налоговой (инспекция 28)ФНС Москвы
Ольга ЦумайНачальник отдела налоговых проверок (инспекция 28)ФНС Москвы
Светлана ДубровскаяНачальник отдела налоговых проверок (инспекция 28)ФНС Москвы
Ольга ДавыдоваНачальник отдела налоговых задолженностей (инспекция 28)ФНС Москвы
Екатерина ФроловаНачальник отдела (инспекция 28)ФНС Москвы
Олеся ШаргородскаяСотрудник инспекции 28ФНС Москвы
Максим ТретьяковНачальник правового управления инспекции 28ФНС Москвы
Иван ПрокопенкоНачальник СИЗОСИЗО «Матросская тишина»
Дмитрий КомновНачальник СИЗО (в отставке)Бутырское СИЗО
Дмитрий КратовЗаместитель начальника СИЗО «Бутырка» по лечебно-профилактической работеБутырское СИЗО
Лариса ЛитвиноваНачальник медицинского отделения СИЗО «Бутырка»Бутырское СИЗО
Сергей ПодопригоровСудьяТверской районный суд Москвы
Алексей КриворучкоСудьяТверской районный суд Москвы
Светлана УхналеваСудьяТверской районный суд Москвы
Елена СташинаСудьяТверской районный суд Москвы
Галина ФилипповаСудьяТверской районный суд Москвы
Татьяна КорнееваСудьяСимоновский районный суд Москвы
Руфина ГазизоваСудьяВахитовский районный суд Казани
Андрей ЮшковСудьяАрбитражный суд Татарстана
Елена КимСудьяАрбитражный суд Москвы
Ильдар СалимзяновСудьяАрбитражный суд Татарстана
Маргарита ЗинуроваС 18.09.2007 г. — заместитель председателя Арбитражного судаАрбитражный суд Московской области